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Migraine, TMJ & Cervical Tension (DOWNLOAD 11)

Migraine, TMJ & Cervical Tension (DOWNLOAD 11)


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Migraine, TMJ Disorder & Cervical Tension

Migraines can strike without warning, leaving the victim debilitated and leaving her with a “migraine hangover” that may last several days. Many sufferers, also have TMJ Dysfunction and cervical tension, two of the many contributing factors to the severity and duration of the headache. In this advanced workshop, you will learn the intimate dynamic between these disorders, and how to lessen the severity, impact and frequency of migraines by treating these underlying contributors.

Atlanto-occipital decompression, cranial bone suture treatment modalities, as well as cervical alignment techniques, take the pressure off the sensitive cranio-sacral system and meninges. Muscular & osseous techniques in both the intra/extra oral regions, as well as the throat, also help facilitate “opening” within the cranium. Galea Aponeurotica or “scalp” fascial release and ear unwinding, round out the beneficial modalities
used to help the patient feel less cranial & TMJ tension overall.


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